Wyatt Johnson Mazda

Apr 21, 2021

How to do your Part to Support Environmental Protection

One must establish an environmentally friendly approach. If you can do that, you will live more sustainably and play a part in protecting the environment. You can also spread the word to the people living near you so that they can do their bit too. Look beyond your circle and try helping people who need it too. You do not have to be an “activist” necessarily, but you can help your neighborhood by doing small deeds that will help nature too.

Here are a few ways by which you can improve your environment and do good for nature.

  • Plant a Tree:

This is perhaps the easiest and the most common way to help nature. You can plant as many trees as you want to. Find a place near your neighborhood that can be an ideal spot to grow a tall tree. Planting trees is a great way for nature to reclaim what is theirs. You can get a group of people who would do the same thing, and in this way, a lot of trees can be planted. You can buy trees in bulk, or you can buy from a local nursery for a donation or a discount. When the seedlings start growing, they will cool down the neighborhood, help with climate change, and promote cleaner air.

  • Pick up Litter:

This is one of the most important habits, somehow; people tend to overlook it. Look out for litter around your park or your neighborhood. You can carry a small trash bag with you so that you can pick up waste whenever you spot them on the streets or elsewhere. Trash that cannot be recycled often ends up in the streams and oceans that can affect aquatic life. You can also participate in the organized river clean-up or organized litter events. You can also create an event of your own and ask other people to participate.

  • Participate at the Park

The local park in your neighborhood is a gathering spot. It attracts many kids, pets, and people to spend time meeting their friends to hang out. You can help your local park by letting it be a fun place and helping it by picking up trash and litter to maintain its cleanliness. Volunteer to help create a small garden and use the native species familiar with the climatic conditions. This will not require constant attention, and these plants will survive on their own.

You can also plan to start your own community garden. You can look up ideas and sponsors as well to help you start with it.

  • Encourage Recycling:

This is the easiest way to help the environment. If a community uses the existing trash to create something useful out of it can be a great thing. Encourage others around you to do the same thing, hand out recycling bags, and volunteer with the local waste management department.